Monday, August 1, 2011

Is it really Ironic?

Websters defines Irony as the "incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result". That is at least one of it's definitions, the one that is most pertinent to the idea of this message. Now when most people think of Irony they think of funny or be it humorous situations, most tend to miss the subtle Irony that surrounds us in everyday life. We are taught from a young age certain patterns of behavior to avoid and to embrace. Now the biggest issue with that is free will and the existing possibilities to break the norm. Now not all pre-learned "normalities" are bad, you are taught to stay away from strangers, chew with your mouth closed, and excuse yourself when you break wind. These things are chalked up to common sense and courtesy, but why? Because our past has proven them to be so. Now whether or not you want to live via the past is not the issue, it's taking what advice you can in strides and applying it to your methodology.

The biggest problem with my generation is the sheer overwhelming fact that we just don't listen. We are children born into the "Y" generation, but to make these examples easier it will be refered to as the "why". This is so because of technological and cultural advances in our time, the "why" has found basis to question everything. From human evolution to the importance of excusing one self for passing gas the "why" is insatiable. We have taken the advice of ages and thrown it out the window, deemed it to be archaic. So what exactly have we done? We've taken positive moral messages, and wholesome values and replaced them with sex, drugs, and violence. Now mind you, the pre-mentioned activities have always been present in society yes, but it wasn't until the "why" that they were truly glorified in the mass media. And trust there are many more examples worth mentioning but for the sake of sanity I will keep them brief. Here's a good one for you, we are taught as children not to be reckless with other peoples hearts and not to let others be reckless with ours. I mean it's human nature to want to be loved but in so many cases where one party is not reciprocating the feelings the relationship ends with one side being more particularly troubled than before. Now one would think that after and incident like this the party would wise up and learn from the situation. Generally though that is not the case, we have been shown from our past that we are to go to school, graduate, get married, buy a house and continue the trend, for it is what our fathers before us have always done. People fall into this quarry and seek love and attention in whatever way they can find it, most time subjugating themselves to abuse, humiliation, pain, and sadness, simply because it is what has been ingrained into the head. 

"The "why" is slowly starting to break this trend but, since it is more open idea it is getting a bit out of hand. The media is a tool be it good or bad it simply is. What's hot right now? Like I said sex, drugs, violence. Why ? It sells, hell forget morals and values let's make the money right? Defineately. It has always been about making money I don't care when the hell you grew up that's the basics. That fact has not changed what has changed is decency and chivalry. Sadly, chivalry is on the same path as the dodo and decency has been long since stowed away in the back of the storage closet. Now at this point if you are still reading great, you might be wondering where the hell am I going with this. Well, go back to the first sentence, and apply it to this entire letter. We've gone from positive moral values to debauchery and murder. We have taken advice given and thrown it back, claiming this is a new world. We have given power to the media, instead of letting the media give power to us. Girls and boys alike see sex and promiscuity as a relaxed hobby or pastime, something which was not inherintely taught. So overall take a look at the past few hundred years, yes technology has advanced and cultures have flourished but in reality the only thing that has really changed, is the date. How's that for irony.

I wrote this only 3 years ago, but it feels as though a lifetime has passed. Although I still believe in the message of this letter, I understand why and for what I wrote it. I was still desperately trying to find a place, a niche, an area in which I belonged. I too was searching for the why. I am not innocent, I am not with out faults, and I am sure as hell not as lost as I once was. Sure I have no idea where this journey will take me but, I know now that I have a place where I belong, a place where I am totally comfortable. That place is LIFE. I see everyday as a bright new opportunity filled the possibilities of the ages, and I see it this way because I believe and I have faith in why we are here. So in summation, my views of the past compared to my views now, why and how I have changed, could in itself be Ironic?

"The incongruity between the actual result of a sequence of events and the normal or expected result"

I'll tell you what, how my life has turned out is completely different from my expected result three years ago. I wonder why?

+1 Life.

Oh, and

+1 Maturity