What kind of person are you? Let's think about this for a minute. For seriously this time you guys! It's hard being really, really, ridiculously good looking. Do you seize every minute? How do you handle adversity? Would you stand and fight for a belief? Do you face the world head on? When was the last time you stopped and actually listened? How do you see yourself? What will you do? Questions, questions, questions, all of us have questions. Answers, answers, answers, where are all the answers?
Hey, if you can figure that one out, please let me know.
I've been called many, many things in my life. Some of my more dubious titles I will forgo mentioning as they are a bit tawdry. It's funny though, the names or titles that we choose to remember for whatever reason, be it nostalgia, anger, or just plain ole good fashioned humor. ( Insert knee slap here ) What have you been called, or referred to as? How did you interpret it? What did it make you feel? It's like a tootsie pop, keep on licking and hopefully you will get to that juicy center.... Metaphorically speaking..... As we all know the center of the tootsie pop is in no way juicy and just tends to almost bond itself to our molars..anyway I digress. Articulation and what-not.
I was once called a " Wolf". I did not understand the context, in which it was used. So I formulated my own interpretation. I saw a Wolf as a fighter. A creature bound by its nature to never give up, under any circumstance. A pack animal, that uses the skills of those kept close to further the cause, to bring a goal to fruition. No matter how dire the situation, ( get it, Dire Wolf ) the wolf persists and if it can't achieve it on its own, it looks to the pack for guidance. Now I obviously liked this title, hence why I still remember being called it and choose to reflect on it now. It made me think, after I derived my own interpretation, that I thought of myself as a lone wolf. I always felt like I could do everything on my own, that I could overcome any obstacle on my path, by myself. But now, here I was, giving a different definition. It made me realize that I wasn't alone in anything. My friends, family and loved ones are my pack. I still consider myself the Alpha Male, simply because I'm kind of awesome and so totally humble ;-). ( this is the part where you giggle and say "Oh, Joshua" ) I lean on my pack, a whole freaking lot. I would never give it up.
It's funny how a simple word, phrase, saying, name or title can bring on such thought. Something as simple as saying, " You know what you are? You're a wolf." Words can mean the World. Remember that.
I found out later in what context my new found title of " Wolf" had been said. At first it confused me haha. Sadly it is not too hard to confuse me. Giggity. It also made me think, yet again. And ya know what I found?
Both my definition and that of the context fit me, a little too well.
Too well, indeed.
So what did I do next? Well I'll be a regular old scholar, and grab myself a dictionary, I did.
Websters offers this definition, among others:
: A fierce, rapacious, or destructive person (2) : a man forward, direct, and zealous in amatory attentions to women.
Like I said before, a little too well indeed.
But, I kind of like it.
Howl on
Be well unto yourself, and others.
But, I kind of like it.
Howl on
Be well unto yourself, and others.
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