Monday, October 24, 2011

Raise Your Glasses High!

I find myself sitting amongst glasses, all the time. Some half filled, some half empty, and others bone dry.

“Some people see the glass half full. Others see it half empty.
I see a glass that's twice as big as it needs to be.”
― George Carlin

              Now, these glasses were not always so, at one point they were quite full. They provided comfort, nurture, satisfaction and fulfillment.. They sit there now, stained from what it was that used to fill them, just waiting for some kind of refreshment. Something to make them have a purpose, to bring them back to their full glory. But the inevitable truth is that the glasses can not fill themselves, they need some kind of outside participation to bring that to fruition. The frustrating part is the glasses start to collect, to build, and it makes the task of rinsing them off and filling them again that much harder. That much more difficult.

          So how is it we fill these glasses back up, when what once filled them may no longer be appetizing or available? Some of the glasses will never be filled again, they had their own purpose and must be recycled, sometimes they are the hardest ones to give up. It is when we are able to accept this, that we find new glasses to fill, and old glasses that need a little tender loving care. We are able set the empty, stained glasses aside, knowing that what they once held was important. The task of finding new glasses to fill becomes less daunting, and we find that the uncertain is not so scary anymore, knowing that even if the glass were to spill, it can always be filled again. Maybe not with the same substance but, something even more intriguing. Intriguing, because we have taken it upon ourselves to explore, to experience, and learn. Take the old glasses that still have substance and find a way to nurture them back to health. Know that in time you will find a way to fill it, or a way to let it go.

Do not fear an empty glass, embrace it for what it was and recycle it. Do not fear change or uncertainty, know that the lesson lies in the chase for that truly delectable substance. Do not fear Life. It is truly in-fucking-credible. MY GOD, LOVE LIFE!!!!!! GET THE FUCK OUT THERE AND LOVE IT!!!! Do chase what scares you, because if something honestly frightens you it's because it holds real weight.

So, what am I getting at here?

         Say goodbye to what used to be or what was, embrace what is and what will come, know that the future holds no bounds. Most of all trust in those that love you for they will always trust in you. Love. Know that Love transcends everything and is constantly felt in the ether, if you are willing to share it. Find a new glass to share with someone else, and the adventure of filling it together. Share your glasses with eachother, and raise them high!

So, again what am I getting at?

The glass isn't half empty, or full. It's just waiting for a little refreshment.

That's my play on words for the day.

Be well unto others, and yourselves.


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