Monday, October 17, 2011

Love it, Live it, Enjoy it


. Take a breath, relax, exhale and enjoy. LIFE. <--- Hey look the capitalized words say " Whew, Life." How many times have you found yourself saying or even paraphrasing those words.Yeah, me too. It's incredible, the facets and intricacies that life involves. ever changing opportunity to life altering devastation. You cant have one without the extreme. Life will pass you by, in an instant. Look left, then right, and how about up and down. Take a breath. Appreciate and enjoy what's around you. Weeks to years. There will always be Joy as there will always be sadness, Life. Okay, rambling aside let me continue. Thanks, you're a peach. So, okay here we go. Let's begin. Something I have always admired is the sky, especially in Autumn. You can't beat it.

 Not as skies go at least. 

Okay maybe an insane party with trapeze artists, 
an elephant, dancing seals and tricycle riding midget cowboys......

And yes I mean midgets who coincidentally are cowboys.

                                 So basically the circus......on a Autumn. LOVE.  

                                                     ( Insert Awesome Mental Image Here )

        Man, see I'm the kind of guy where if the sky is looking impeccable I will stop in my tracks, lie down and stare endlessly at the sky. It makes me think, it lets me dream like an canvas waiting for my inspiration. Possibility. My god, the possibility. Not to mention the beautiful temperature and the texture of fallen, rustling leaves under my body. miniature portraits of growth, of death and LIFE. Why, would you look at that! 

"Love Life.

True appreciation of the world around us, it's simple beauties to its most majestic sunsets; creates a genuine passion for the smallest detail it offers. Hmmm I should quote that.

          Any who Listen, check this out. Tomorrow when you walk out of door, at whatever time wherever the heck you are, STOP and look around, even for a minute. Find something to appreciate, a mother walking with her children, the dew of morning, old friends eating in a cafe, the rise of the sun over trees and clouds of rouge, the silence and subtly of 3am. ENJOY it all. Check it out. It's fun. I promise. :-)  "Stop, Enjoy"?

"Like a river flows, surely to the sea

Darlin' so it goes, somethings are meant to be..

Take my hand take my whole life too for I cant help
falling in love with you

for I cant help falling in love with...... you."

                      Now, imagine a couple in their 80's, locked in a gaze, speaking into each others eyes, singing together as if it was the moment they fell in love. 

                                                            Talk about appreciation

Oh and as for the "Stop, Enjoypart, it goes with the theme.


                                   ---Man, it's sweet. Love it, live it, enjoy it.---

Be well unto others, and yourselves.


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